Getting into Employment

Work.Live.Leicestershire Project - Tackling unemployment in rural Leicestershire

The Work.Live.Leicestershire (WiLL) programme help people who are economically inactive or unemployed who are living in rural Leicestershire to move into job search, training, or employment. Providing volunteer support and opportunities for people to gain experience and confidence.

After leaving College last year and searching for jobs without much success, Harland was referred to the Programme by his sister, who was also receiving support on the project.

Naturally very timid and socially anxious, Harland struggled with his communication and confidence. His interests lay in history and the arts. His short term goal was to get a job in customer service/sales. After one-to-one support, Harland felt ready to start applying for volunteer roles.

VAL contacted Leicester Cathedral who created a bespoke role for him to invigilate and liaise with visitors for one of their exhibitions. He was also supported by VAL to join The Prince’s Trust ‘Get into Retail’ Programme with Marks and Spencers.

As a result from volunteering, he is one of the few volunteers to be offered a paid parttime contract, which has since been made permanent.

My confidence has been greatly improved, I am now able to talk to people and I feel like I can walk down the street with my head held high…”

Work.Live.Leicestershire Project Participant

The Work.Live Leicestershire (WiLL) Project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and The European Social Fund. It is delivered in partnership with Voluntary Action LeicesterShire.