Vaccination Stories – Deborah

Read how Deborah was unable to go move back to her home during covid, so she decided to help and support the vaccination call out for volunteers.

Volunteers’ Week – It’s a chance to say thank you for the contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK and a great way to recognise and thank all our volunteers, for all the amazing things they’re doing to help us make a difference.

Deborah originally, worked for the NHS for a number of years and then left to begin looking after her elderly aunt. Deborah’s aunt eventually required 24-hour care, and this freed up more of her time for her and gave the option to consider volunteering. Unfortunately due to covid, she was unable to move back to her home so this meant that when the national appeal came out for volunteers she was ready to sign up and help out.

‘I found that period difficult as a part of me wanted to be involved in patient care again, although it would have been putting my aunt at risk, and I felt guilty that I was not helping my colleagues during that difficult time. When the opportunity to start volunteering arose, I realised I could offer some support and to feel more useful.

Originally, I began volunteering through another organisation as a Vaccination Marshall, but liaising with volunteers from VAL, I found there were increased opportunities with them, hence signed up with VAL as well I now volunteer 1-2 times per week at a vaccine centre, which still enables me to support other members of my family and their needs.

Volunteering is good for the soul! People constantly thank you and make you feel you are doing something worthwhile.

My confidence has soared in this role and I really enjoy the positive experiences I have. Like many, I never saw this coming. I worked with many lovely volunteers in the NHS previously, but had not expected I would be doing it so soon after finishing work. It gives me an additional purpose but does not interfere with my life.’

Get involved in volunteering

If you’re inspired to get involved in volunteering, you can find out more on our VAL Volunteering website.

If you’re a voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation who wants more support with recruiting or managing volunteers, you can get in touch with us via:
0116 257 5050