Severn Trent – The NeighbourGOOD Scheme

They would love to help with any community-driven project be that enhancing a public space or supporting a local event, from coaching for vulnerable young people to a garden refurb in a care home, we are here to help!

They want to ask customers across the region to apply for up to £2.5k funding and 20-30 Severn Trent volunteers across 2 days to support with the delivery of their projects. The money can be used towards materials for the project and our staff will come to deliver the work.

The idea is that they will be able to deliver 10 projects in total, one in each county of our region. To decide which projects they will deliver they are going to be setting up a panel of judges from each county to shortlist the projects to 3 per county, which will then go to public vote.

They are looking to open applications in the first week of September for a 4–6-week window with the shortlisted projects for each county being announced mid-end October. The public vote will open mid-November with winners being announced before Christmas and all works completed before end March 2025.

For more Information contact :

Adam Stevens
Societal Strategy Officer, Severn Trent Water Ltd.
Tel: 07977858095      Email:

NHS Constitution: 10 year review

The NHS constitution sets out the principles, values, rights and pledges underpinning the NHS as a comprehensive health service, free at the point of use for all who need it.

The NHS Constitution empowers patients, staff and the public to know and exercise their rights in order to help drive improvements in quality, efficiency and responsiveness throughout the NHS.

Department of Health and Social Care are seeking views on how best to change the NHS Constitution. To complete the consultation survey (as an individual or on behalf of your organisation), please visit:

The consultation period will close at 11.59pm on 25 June 2024.

Further information about the consultation can be found here: NHS Constitution: 10 year review – GOV.UK

Commissioned Care Opportunity for the Sector

VAL want to ensure that the sector have the opportunity to demonstrate their appetite for work in this field and that they are able to engage in the research and consultation stages.

Below is some additional information directly from the County Council, please bear in mind that this link will take you to the ‘ProContract Procurement Portal’ and you will have to register to have an account if you do not already. We know this can look overwhelming if it is new to you, if you need assistance with engaging in the process please don’t hesitate to contact VAL helpline for support 0116 257 50 50

There is also an opportunity to find out more about this process at the following online sessions:

MS Teams Engagement Session 1: Wednesday 8th May at 1500-1600 Click here to join the meeting

MS Teams Engagement Session 2: Thursday 9th May 1300-1400 Click here to join the meeting

‘Please find details below of a market survey you may be interested in regarding options to deliver support that excludes personal care, in partnership with Leicestershire County Council. Go to survey here

In this market engagement, we would like to explore delivery options for people with eligible social care needs, who do not require any personal care and are therefore classed as not needing to be provided by a CQC registered organisation. Please note that in these situations, employed staff and volunteers will continue to require vetting through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

The types of tasks include (but are not limited to) any non-regulated activities for example ordering groceries, preparing meals and drinks, cleaning a person’s home, laundry and sitting services.

The Council would like to consult the market prior to a potential procurement exercise. It is currently anticipated that a tender may be advertised within the next 12 months and once implemented will have a 12-month duration as a pilot.

By expressing an interest in this soft market testing you will get access to our Snap Survey. The responses you provide will inform the Council when deciding whether to proceed to procurement and how to structure/design the service.’

Public Advisory Group role


Whilst overall the health and wealth of Leicestershire is relatively good, statistics mask serious health differences within the county. Over 11,000 residents experience the highest levels of disadvantage in the country, over 12,000 children live in poverty and over 32,000 people live in fuel poverty. There are high levels of asthma, cancer, obesity, and diseases of the heart. People living in our poorest areas live about five to six fewer years than those in the richest areas. This inequality is unjust, and we must address it. Research can help us do this.

Leicestershire County Council (LCC) has been awarded funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to establish a Heath Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC). A HDRC brings together local authorities, local universities and local communities to share each others knowledge and expertise. The aim of HDRC is to create a culture in local government where research is built on robust evidence which then influences the way services are delivered. This investment will take our ability to do research to the next level, working with communities to generate more of our own information and using this and existing evidence to improve the services that we provide and inform the council’s strategic priorities.

LCC cannot undertake the HDRC without public engagement and involvement and the support of our wider partners. We aim to ensure that our research evidence is robust and is collaboratively created with our under-served communities (experts by experience). This will ensure that public involvement is at the core of our research and most importantly, relationships between LCC, partners, and under-served communities are strengthened and prioritised, fostering a positive culture change within the organisation.

What is a Public Advisory Group?

A Public Advisory Group is a small group of people from diverse backgrounds who will work alongside HDRC staff members to provide public opinions and views (both positive and negative) of the HDRC project activities.

Purpose of the Public Advisory Group

The public is at the heart of LCC HDRC. We are building a Public Advisory Group to co-produce the HDRC. The group will ask challenging questions, highlight gaps in different areas, and understand how wider societal issues such as education, poverty, housing, planning, transport, and employment influence the health of the communities in Leicestershire. We recognise that communities, public contributors, and the general public are experts by experience, and we want to draw on this expertise to strengthen our approach in research.

Public Advisory Group Vision

We are seeking people who live in Leicestershire County to work with us collaboratively to create our plans, decide how to prioritise areas of research to improve health and wellbeing, and communicate what we have found and done differently. We are looking for eight people, to form our Public Advisory Group. They will work with our research teams across several activities for the project.

These meetings will produce knowledge for use locally and of value nationally to inform and highlight the wider determinants of health in Leicestershire.

Your Role and Responsibilities

Successful appointment as a Public Advisory Group member will come with responsibilities.

  • Assist the council in breaking down communication barriers between the public and local authority and partner organisations such as the NHS
  • Be respectful of other people’s views
  • Build trust with communities
  • Share lived experiences to help research development
  • Help to include the voices of under-served communities
  • Help us to create innovative and creative ways to engage and work with our communities
  • Help researchers and Council staff to co-create and prioritise areas of research and training
  • Help to identify people/organisations/community groups who have an interest in how the Council provides services
  • Be involved in events – Events TBC
  • Share our findings, identifying which elements are of interest to the public, especially those under-served by research or services
  • Help us shape the structure, and review the content of final reports, papers, conference materials, etc
  • Provide constructive and solution-focused feedback to ensure the design and delivery of research are meaningful and impact positively on the wider community
  • Attend training sessions provided
  • Adhere to GDPR and confidential requirements
  • Members must adhere to and promote LCC’s core values: Our core values and how we work: Positivity, Trust and Respect, Flexibility, Openness and
  • Transparency
  • Demonstrate a commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Regularly attend PAG meetings. The frequency and timings as well as whether these will be online, in-person or hybrid are to be decided by group members and the public and community involvement, engagement, and participation lead.

Although we have provided an outline of the PAG members’ roles and responsibilities, regular discussions will be held to update this as we move through the project. We are open to other ideas and thoughts surrounding this role.

Our responsibilities to you

The group will be assigned a named contact person who will support the needs of the group, communications, and ongoing engagement.
The public and community involvement, engagement, and participation lead will:

  • Support and answer any questions related to the processes, duties, and responsibilities of the group
  • Ensure an inclusive environment and support you with meeting any access needs and learning needs to ensure your full involvement
  • Champion Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: We will use the NIHR Race and Equality Framework to recruit a diverse PAG
  • Provide you with adequate time and resources to undertake pre-meeting reading and document review
  • Keep the group informed and updated on what is happening with the project
  • Ensure payment processes are set up and active, and deal with any payment issues
  • Provide training to ensure you have a full understanding of what is required
  • Listen to and learn from the PAG and apply and share that learning.
  • Support improvements in equality

We will create a process to continuously measure the impact of PAG member’s contributions and feedback and will embed these commitments throughout the work of the HDRC.

Duration of role

We expect a commitment of at least 12 months – Start date: July 2024

Payment and expenses

We highly value the time our PAG members give us. PAG members will be paid for their involvement. Payments will vary according to the nature of the activity and the time it takes to complete. For meetings, task and finish groups, HDRC training sessions organised and delivered by LCC, the payment will be £20 per hour. For tasks outside of PAG meetings, which will take no longer than 30 mins including, but not limited to pre-meeting reading, reviewing documents, the payment will be £10. We have used  the NIHR payment guidance to help to shape our payment policy. Out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed (e.g. travel costs) based on the Council’s expenses policy. In some cases, payment may not be offered for certain ad hoc activities, and in these cases, we will always be clear before you decide whether you wish to undertake the activity. Please note that payments may impact on benefits received. For further information regarding how public and community involvement payments may affect you, please contact NIHR or call 020 88437117.

Person Specification

Having some experience/understanding of being involved in research


  • An interest, knowledge, or willingness to help the HDRC develop evidence of health-related approaches that improve health inequalities
  • Awareness of your local area and its needs
  • Knowledge of or an interest in developing an understanding of what research is, how it is done, and how it can contribute to how services are managed and commissioned


  • IT knowledge. Have a basic understanding of IT packages such as Microsoft Word. You will be contacted via email and will be asked to review Microsoft Word documents.  Some meetings will be held online via platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
  • Be proficient enough in the English Language to be able to be involved in meetings and to help with some written documents. We accept this comes at all levels, and if English is your second language, you have learning disabilities or any visual or auditory challenges this will not hinder your involvement with our project, and we will work with you to enable you to have equal accessibility and any support you require throughout.

Personal qualities

  • You should be confident enough to be able to be involved in the Public Advisory Group meetings
  • Demonstrate a commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion and promoting fairness and equity
  • Able to maintain confidentiality
  • Able to work collaboratively as part of a team and also on your own

For more information or an informal discussion, please contact:

How to apply

Please complete an expression of interest form to be considered for the role of public advisory group member – Click the link:

Healthwatch Calls for Public Input on Supported Living Services in Leicester & Leicestershire

Supported Living services enable adults with diverse conditions, circumstances and support requirements to maintain independence and actively engage in their communities. Healthwatch recognises the importance of these services in promoting individual well-being and social inclusion.

Through this initiative, we will gather valuable feedback from people who use supported living services, their families and caregivers. We would also like to hear from other stakeholders to better understand the strengths and challenges of supported Living services in Leicester and Leicestershire.

Harsha Kotecha, Chair of Healthwatch Leicester and Healthwatch Leicestershire, said

“We want to hear the voices of those who directly engage with supported living services. By sharing your experiences and perspectives, you can help to ensure that the service meets the needs of individuals and ensures equitable access to care. Feedback will help identify areas for improvement and inform future efforts to enhance the quality and effectiveness of these essential services.”

Healthwatch encourages individuals to share their feedback through various channels, including online surveys, face-to-face conversations and written submissions.

How to get involved

Complete a survey or share your feedback directly with our team.

The person receiving supported living survey –

Relative/ carer survey –

If you would like an Easy Read paper copy of the survey, please contact us at or call 0116 257 4999.

Call us on 0116 257 4999 if you would like to talk to our team to share your feedback. All responses will be treated confidentially and personal information will be kept secure under data protection regulations.

About Healthwatch

We are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. We exist to ensure that people are at the heart of care. We listen to what people like about services, and what could be improved, and we share their views with those with the power to make change happen. We also help people find the information they need about services in their area.

We have the power to ensure that people’s voices are heard by the government and those running services. As well as seeking the public’s views ourselves, we also encourage services to involve people in decisions that affect them. Our sole purpose is to help make care better for people.

Healthwatch Leicester and Healthwatch Leicestershire is provided by Voluntary Action LeicesterShire.  

New grants awarded to support Service spouses and partners

Access to knowledge and information relevant to employment opportunities

Voluntary Action Leicestershire will offer employability support and volunteering opportunities to Armed Forces partners and spouses via their Supporting Partners – Education, Employment and Development (SPEED) project.

This one-year initiative has secured a grant for £64,348 to facilitate positive strides towards new opportunities. The project aims to increase awareness of the skills, experiences and potential of partners and spouses among local employers and stakeholders within the Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland (LLR) cluster area.

Sector Support Lead, Doctor David Arron Cliffe, said:

“Voluntary Action Leicestershire is thrilled to have been awarded funding for our Supporting Partners into Education, Employment and Development Project to support partners of Armed Forces personnel across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland.

This funding will allow us to provide direct employability support to local people who are partners of Armed Forces personnel, but also allow us to undertake some targeted work to raise awareness of some of the locals’ challenges and to explore some solutions and the possibilities for partners to be supported to realise their personal career goals. We already have a strong partnership with other local organisations but look forward to building stronger connections through this new project.”

Find out more and read about the project and fund here.


Growth Accelerator for Social Entrepreneurs

This is a fully funded programme until March 2025 through the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund, a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda.

The aim of the Growth Accelerator is to keep social entrepreneurs in business, protect and create jobs, and to help them grow.

The Growth Accelerator involves:

  • Masterclass training modules in growth strategy, from leading University of Leicester School of Business academics, using a cutting-edge digital learning platform
  • Free 1:1 consultancy support from CASE (Cooperative and Social Enterprise Development Agency) and Community Enterprise Engine; and
  • Peer support growth circles, to develop partnerships and collaborative offers and crowd source solutions to your challenges and opportunities

Taking part in this project gives you a new strategic planning toolkit, inspiration on how to grow your social enterprise, and the connections and collaborations to make new, exciting and fundable projects a reality.

Project Partners

The programme is delivered by the University of Leicester School of Business (ULSB) in partnership with the Cooperative and Social Enterprise Development Agency (CASE), and Community Enterprise Engine (CEE).

  • ULSB offers leadership and management programme expertise, most recently co-developing and delivering the Government‘s Help to Grow: Management course.
  • CASE has been supporting the growth of the social economy in Leicester for over 40 years.
  • CEE was born from 5 years of leading social enterprise support at Voluntary Action LeicesterShire and was formed to help community venues diversify their trading income streams.

University of Leicester Benefits

As part of this programme, you will receive a University of Leicester IT account and ID card during the length of this project.  Your ID card will grant you access to the School of Business Brookfield campus on London Road where meet up spaces are available in the ULSB Hub. There will also be opportunities for you to access the talent of School of Business staff and students through volunteering, projects, and placements.


To be eligible for support from the Growth Accelerator you need to:

  • Be from an existing social enterprise and based in Leicester;
  • Be a charity, CIC, cooperative or not for profit company
  • Be trading for community benefit; have social objects in your articles/governing document, and reinvest into your social purposes

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Read more about the Leicester City Council Shared Prosperity Fund.

If you’d like us to send you a programme enrolment form, or have any queries, please email

Ashby Emergency Services Day

If so you are invited to showcase your organisation as part of a volunteering village to those attending the Emergency Services Open Day at Ashby Bath Grounds on Saturday 1 June 2024.  

Coalville Emergency Services Open Day attracts thousands of visitors, and we expect the first of its kind for Ashby in the Bath grounds to be a huge success.    We expect this to be a packed event with lots of families and residents of Ashby and further afield.

Leicestershire County Council, North West Leicestershire District Council and Voluntary Action Leicestershire are working together to deliver this opportunity for groups to showcase their organisation, encourage membership, and most importantly recruit new volunteers.

If your organisation would like to take part, please email VAL’s helpline and register your interest by 30 April 2024. Explaining how you would like to showcase your work, fundraise, and give people a taste of what it is you do.  

Charnwood Forest Geopark Project

The Charnwood Forest Geopark Project is working with Voluntary Action LeicesterShire (VAL) to host some sessions to explore support needs of local community groups.

Wednesday 24 January, 9am – 3pm (venue TBC)

A free day-long workshop that gives your organisation the opportunity to return to your cause and purpose and learn how to garner support from your audience through effective communication, including increasing donations, volunteering and committee recruitment.
To book, contact Ali –

Thursday 1 February, 10am – 1pm, online

A free, online workshop about how to get involved in green and social prescribing, including a chance to meet link workers and other key individuals in the nature and wellbeing sectors, as well as an overview to a variety of mental health and nature engagement training options.
To book, contact Ali –

Have your say on draft budget plans 2024- 2028

Have your say on our draft budget plans 2024- 2028 click here

Consultation closes: Wednesday 17 January 2024

What issues are driving budget pressures?
Spiralling social care prices, growing service demand and inflation are driving up costs. The Government’s autumn statement last month didn’t include any extra funding for councils which has ramped up the pressure for local authorities.

How bad is the situation? 
Nearby councils, such as Nottingham City, have declared that they do not have enough resources to continue to deliver services by issuing a section 114 notice, and others, such as Leicester and Derbyshire, say they are being pushed to the brink.

We are not in crisis territory. We’ve successfully managed better than most by not forgetting about the financial realities of local government when delivering services. But we do have a significant budget gap and need to deliver services differently.

Find out more here