Meet the Funders - Blaby

An opportunity for VCSE organisations to speak directly to funders. This event is for Leicestershire based charities, community groups and social enterprises.

Book your place now to attend

Support for charities & community groups

There is a lot of support available for charities and community groups - find out what support is there for you

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Learning Disability Sports Groups

There are lots of different groups available for you to try, there is a sport for everyone

Find out more

VAL Annual Review 2023-24

Read our annual review to see some of the great stories VAL has been involved in over the last year.

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Celebrating the fantastic contribution volunteers, charities and community groups make in Leicester and Leicestershire. It’s time for us to celebrate the truly amazing inspirational leaders, unsung heroes and those that have gone above and beyond over the last 12 months.

Nominations will be opening soon - watch this space!