Volunteer Stories – Grace

Read Grace's story of her experience of volunteering as a Home Visitor at Age UK.

Grace wanted to give back to her community and explore new ways to volunteer. She visited the VAL Volunteering Website to find different opportunities and learn about various organisations. After browsing through the options, Grace found a role with Age UK as a Home Visitor that interested her.

In her role, Grace enjoyed getting to know older adults and providing them with emotional support. She found the experience rewarding, as it allowed her to make a difference in the lives of people who often felt isolated.

“Thank you for following up with me. I have now started volunteering and I’m really enjoying the experience.”

Volunteering with Age UK gave Grace a sense of fulfilment and helped her develop new skills in caregiving. It also inspired her to continue volunteering and seek out more ways to contribute to her community.

Get involved in volunteering

If you’re inspired to get involved in volunteering, you can find out more on our VAL Volunteering website.

If you’re a voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation who wants more support with recruiting or managing volunteers, you can get in touch with us via:

0116 257 5050