Round 1 deadline for the Community Grant and Communities Facilities grant is midnight of 3 May 2021
The Charnwood Community Grant key features include:
- Up to £5,000 available for voluntary and community sector organisations, including sports clubs / physical activity groups towards the delivery of community projects in Charnwood which meet one of the following strategic aims: Healthy Communities, A Thriving Economy, or Caring for the Environment.
Details of the grant can be accessed here :
The Charnwood Community Facilities Grants key features include:
- Up to £20,000 available for renovation, improvement and provision of community buildings, including facilities for disabled people (but not for routine maintenance). Criteria includes funding for Community Centres, Village Halls, Community Sports Facilities. Match funding is required to the value of 50% of the total project cost.
Details of the grant can be accessed here :
The deadline for applications of the Member Grant is February 28, 2022.
- Each Borough Councillor has up to £500 to support projects that bring benefits to their ward. Funding can be provided towards community events, activities, equipment, uniformed groups such as Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies.
Details of the grant can be accessed here:
Grant Surgeries are being offered by Charnwood Borough Council’s staff members about the grant schemes. You can request a 30 minute zoom or telephone chat on the following dates to talk through your project and what would make a strong application.
- 9am – 12pm on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 April 2021
- 9am – 12pmon Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 April 2021
To book a slot email their team on