Commissioned Care Opportunity for the Sector

VAL have been liaising with the Adult Commissioning Team at The County Council about the potential of opening up care opportunities (that are not personal care) to the VCSE sector so that this work is not solely offered to or delivered by private organisations.

VAL want to ensure that the sector have the opportunity to demonstrate their appetite for work in this field and that they are able to engage in the research and consultation stages.

Below is some additional information directly from the County Council, please bear in mind that this link will take you to the ‘ProContract Procurement Portal’ and you will have to register to have an account if you do not already. We know this can look overwhelming if it is new to you, if you need assistance with engaging in the process please don’t hesitate to contact VAL helpline for support 0116 257 50 50

There is also an opportunity to find out more about this process at the following online sessions:

MS Teams Engagement Session 1: Wednesday 8th May at 1500-1600 Click here to join the meeting

MS Teams Engagement Session 2: Thursday 9th May 1300-1400 Click here to join the meeting

‘Please find details below of a market survey you may be interested in regarding options to deliver support that excludes personal care, in partnership with Leicestershire County Council. Go to survey here

In this market engagement, we would like to explore delivery options for people with eligible social care needs, who do not require any personal care and are therefore classed as not needing to be provided by a CQC registered organisation. Please note that in these situations, employed staff and volunteers will continue to require vetting through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

The types of tasks include (but are not limited to) any non-regulated activities for example ordering groceries, preparing meals and drinks, cleaning a person’s home, laundry and sitting services.

The Council would like to consult the market prior to a potential procurement exercise. It is currently anticipated that a tender may be advertised within the next 12 months and once implemented will have a 12-month duration as a pilot.

By expressing an interest in this soft market testing you will get access to our Snap Survey. The responses you provide will inform the Council when deciding whether to proceed to procurement and how to structure/design the service.’