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Understanding Data in Inflation Contexts

Clock Icon8 July 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

This session will explore inflation data and how it impacts our daily lives

As part of VAL’s Multiply Project, we are offering sessions and support to help people build their confidence and skills around numeracy.

Our conversations with local people have identified that learners could benefit from a workshop session to look at using data in both our personal and professional lives. This session is designed to look at different examples of data, how data can be presented through the news and online platform, how we can interpret data and how we can use data in different ways.

To book your place email: multiply@valonline.org.uk

By the end of the session, learners should be able to:

  • Identify some key examples of inflation data
  • Recognize examples of how inflation data is presented to us
  • Explain some ways in which we can interpret inflation data
  • Practical advice in managing personal finance

We can all feel worried about managing numbers and data, so this could be a chance to get some ideas to build your confidence and understanding to make some small changes for the better.

As this is part of the Multiply Project, we will be asking attendees to complete a registration form, but we can help you with filling this in. Multiply is designed to provide support to people who do not have a Level 2 qualification in Maths, or feel they are not working at this level and would like some support to build up their skills, knowledge and confidence.

This session is only open to County residents due to funding restrictions.

To book your place and find out more information, please contact us on multiply@valonline.org.uk 

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To secure your place on this course, register today via our Eventbrite page.

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