Meet the Funders – Leicester City
An opportunity for VCSE organisations to speak directly to funders. This event is for Leicester City based charities, community groups and social enterprises.
This is an invitation for Leicester City based Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations to come along and meet local and national funders who are actively investing in community groups in your area.
It is an opportunity to speak in person to funders about ideas you have for future projects.
Meet the Funders will give you the opportunity to float your ideas past potential funders and learn about current funding programmes.
Find out how VAL staff about can help you to identify funding and structure applications or any other support your organisation might need.
There are 5 confirmed funders:
- Severn Trent Community Fund
- The National Lottery Community Fund
- The National Lottery Heritage Fund
- Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation
- Sport England
As well as having the opportunity to meet funders you will also be able to talk to the following:
Easyfundraising will be in attendance and will cover how to raise funds for your group whilst shopping online
Key Fund, provide flexible loans and grants to help enterprises start up, become sustainable, and grow; creating jobs, reinvigorating communities and offering social investment.
VAL Sector Support Team – available to discuss any support you need with your organisation or volunteer recruitment.
Find out more here about the event and more information about the funders and funds.