As part of this process, Cllr Rita Patel (Assistant City Mayor, Communities, Equalities & Special Projects) has been hosting a series of engagement sessions on MS Teams with members of the local VCSE sector, to consider topics central to an effective VCSE support strategy.
The events conclude with the theme of Volunteering. Two events are being held. The content at both events will be the same. Attendance is limited to one person per organisation per event.
The first event is being held on 29 July 2021 2pm -3.30pm. You can book for free here:
The second event is being held on 30 July 2021 10am to 11.30am . You can book for free here:
The council has already held sessions on the topics of :
- Finance and funding
- Partnership and collaboration
- Civil society
- Infrastructure support.
They chose those topics following their reading, research, and discussions about the VCSE sector nationally, regionally and locally: past, present and future.
If you have not been able to join any of the sessions you have the opportunity to complete the relevant survey. The deadline for submission is 16 August 2021
The Finance and Funding survey can be accessed here.
The Partnership and collaboration survey can be accessed here.
The Civil Society survey can be accessed here.
The Infrastructure support can be accessed here.
The volunteering survey will be released at a later date