Leicester City Council VCSE surveys update

Previously we advised you that Leicester City Council (LCC) is developing a new strategy to support the city’s Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. The July article can be found here.

As part of developing this strategy LCC has now completed their series of engagement sessions. The topics covered were:

  • Finance and funding
  • Partnership and collaboration
  • Civil society
  • Infrastructure support
  • Volunteering

The topics were chosen following their reading, research, and discussions about the VCSE sector nationally, regionally and locally: past, present and future.

If you have not been able to join any of the sessions you have the opportunity to complete the relevant survey. Initially, the surveys had a closing date in August, but have been extended to gather further views.

The Finance and Funding survey can be accessed here.

The Partnership and collaboration survey can be accessed here.

The Civil Society survey can be accessed here.

The Infrastructure support can be accessed here.

The volunteering survey can be accessed here.