The hub replaces the city council’s traditional annual Market Position Statement and will be updated regularly with news and developments.
The council wants there to be a range of good quality, responsive services in Leicester, that meet the needs of children and young people and adults with social care needs and their families and carers across the diverse range of people and communities in the city. They want people to have real choice and control about how they are supported to meet their needs and aspirations, and it is hoped that the new provider hub will help providers to develop these services.
The hub in its present format provides a link to each of the following areas.
- Children and young people – overview of needs
- Adults – overview of needs
- Early help
- Early years childcare
- Special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
- Schools
- Looked-after children
- Care-experienced young people
- Personal transport (taxis)
- Learning disability and autism services for adults
- Mental health services for adults
- Dementia
- Community opportunities and day services for adults
- Support for adult carers
- Supported and independent living for adults
- Domiciliary (home) care for adults
- Integrated community equipment loans service
- Residential and nursing care for adults
On those webpages there is detailed information about the needs of people in Leicester. It also describes the council’s direction for services and gives their view about how social care and education providers might plan for future needs.
These new pages will identify where there will be opportunities to provide services either as a provider commissioned by the council, or to the growing number of people who have council-funded direct payments and buy their own support, and to people who fund themselves as well.
The hub also includes mention of the city council’s All Age Commissioning Strategy 2020- 2025. .
The strategy outlines a table of commission intentions for those years.
The hub can be accessed here.