Local community asymptomatic testing programme

On 11 February 2021 the Cabinet Office and Department of Health and Social Care updated its policy paper on community testing

The paper explains how community asymptomatic testing helps identify and isolate individuals who have coronavirus (COVID-19) but do not have symptoms. The paper explains what the community testing programme is and how the community testing programme works.  The policy paper can be accessed here.

If you live or work in Leicestershire, AND, are not able to work from home during the current lockdown, or, you are a resident living in Wigston, you are eligible for this type of rapid asymptomatic testing. Further details on this and how to book can be found here.

In Leicester City, if you are a frontline worker who cannot work from home and have no symptoms of COVID-19 you can get a rapid result test . This includes people who work in:

  • NHS and social care
  • Schools
  • Supermarkets and other food shops
  • Public transport
  • Deliveries

Details of this and where to get a test can be found here.

Local VCSE organisations may want to review these details to see whether their workforce and volunteers should be utilising this service.