Management and governance

It's important to understand the rules and regulations that affect your managers and trustees. We can help you to manage your organisation effectively.

  • Automatic disqualification: guidance for charities

    Charity Commission guidance on how to avoid appointing or retaining trustees or senior managers who are disqualified.

  • Campaigning and political activity guidance for charities

    Charity Commission guidance on what charities need to consider when campaigning or engaging in political activity, also including guidance about elections and referendums.

  • Charity reserves: building resilience

    Charity Commission guidance on what charity reserves are and how to develop and report on a charity's reserves policy.

  • Choosing to collaborate: helping you succeed

    Charity Commission guidance and resources covering joint working by two or more organisations.

  • Equality Act guidance for charities

    Charity Commission guidance on the rule in the Equality Act 2010 that allows a charity to discriminate by limiting the group of people it helps.

  • Financial management

    This guidance from the Charity Commission covers essential trustee information around managing your charity’s assets and resources, from cash and investments to staff and volunteers.

  • How to merge or link charities

    Charity Commission guidance around how to merge charities, or link them to make accounting and reporting easier, including how to merge charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs).

  • Insuring your charity

    Learn more about our insurance partner, BHIB Charities Insurance, and how they can support you and best protect your charity or community group.

  • Managing risks

    This guidance from the Charity Commission covers how charities should identify, manage and report on risks.

  • Work with other charities

    Charity Commission guidance around how to identify partners to work with, draw up agreements and fundraise for other charities.

  • Writing a strategic plan

    NCVO's Knowhow Nonprofit website offers advice and templates for creating a strategic plan for your organisation.