Newly named Supporting Families programme

The Troubled Families Programme is founded on a ‘whole family’ approach, with children and young people, together with their parents or carers, working alongside a trusted keyworker.

Keyworkers lead plans to promote positive change by referring to local services and coordinating other professionals to support interrelated needs. More than 400,000 families have been helped to sustain positive outcomes since the programme began. Families access a range of local services as they are supported through the programme, from acute and specialist, to targeted, universal, community and place-based services.

On 26 March 2021, the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, Eddie Hughes MP, and The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP published the next phase of the government’s flagship programme to support some of the most vulnerable families. The new name of the programme is the ‘Supporting Families’ programme includes work to support people to leave abusive relationships, get the right joined-up support for those with mental health issues, and help people to find work.

The press release can be accessed here.

In the latest supporting families programme blog released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government on 25 February 2021, it details the pilot 3D, interactive learning tool called ‘Talk to Me. ’ The tool can be used by any adult volunteering or working with children.

‘Talk to Me’ helps adults to build their confidence in having conversations with children about some of the most difficult topics like abuse, and to ensure that children always feel listened to.   The blog titled NSPCC’s new tool for navigating conversations with children about abuse can be accessed here.

Local VCSE organisations can get unlimited free access to the  ‘Talk to Me’ until December 2021. It can be accessed here.