Details of his appointment can be found here.
Orlando delivered his inaugural speech on 4 May 2022 at the Trustee Exchange Conference in London. Within that speech he states “ I want the work of the Commission I lead to be informed by 3 key values – fairness, balance and independence. “ You can find out more about his ideas regarding these values here.
He recognises the contribution of trustees. Explaining that
“Trusteeship requires personal sacrifices. It means giving time and energy you might otherwise dedicate to your careers, or your family, in serving your charity and the people it helps. We are all in your debt.”
He asks trustees to consider two areas where you could do something yet more for your charity.
- The first concerns your legal duty of prudence as trustees, or as you may know it, managing your charity’s resources responsibly. “ Please think on this carefully and consistently, as your charity prepares to navigate the choppy waters ahead of the cost of living crisis, and other as yet unnamed crises. “Utilising the charity commission managing charity’s finances guidance might be a good starting.
If your charity is based in Leicestershire, supporting local communities and would like help with managing your charity get in touch with VAL’s helpline 0116 257 5050 or Your request for support will then be allocated to a member of the sector support team.
- The second concerns the ongoing recruitment of trustees for the sector. “As you will know from the research, you are statistically the most likely people to be able to recruit more trustees for your own charity. So please don’t lose sight of this special trustee superpower: advocate for your organisation, for the endorphins of volunteering, and the good work that you do. And, when recruiting new trustees, please work to make any recruitment drive as inclusive and diverse as possible, thus ensuring the continued excellence of the sector.”
VAL can provide support with recruiting operational volunteers and trustees. You can find out more about registering opportunities and obtaining one to one support here: