PPE equipment: Accessing and changing responsibilities for employers

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is available for Leicestershire based VCSE sector organisations to order from Leicestershire County Council (LCC)

The order form can be accessed here:https://leicestershirecc-self.achieveservice.com/AchieveForms/?

If you have any queries regarding an order  you can contact LCC’s representative at: LRF.PPESupport@leics.gov.uk

Employers responsibilities to workers on providing PPE are changing from 6 April 2022.

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2022 amend the 1992 Regulations to extend employers’ and employees’ duties in respect of PPE to a wider group of workers.

The health and safety executive has produced some interim guidance explaining the changes, which you can access here.

General advice by the executive about PPE can be accessed here.

We recommend that trustees review their organisation’s health and safety policy in light of this changes.

If your organisation would like any supporting in reviewing or writing new policies, contact VAL’s helpline for your request.