VALUES Giving Appeal

Give a gift to people with a learning Disability by donating to VALUES
We will use your donation to buy equipment for them to use in art, sports, cooking and drama sessions.
Your donation will make a real difference to people with a Learning Disability in Leicester and Leicestershire.
Donate now to VALUESLearn and have fun with VALUES

If you have learning disabilities and you want to do fun activities, VALUES is the place to go.
We’re here to help you:
- Learn new things
- Do fun activities
- Be independent
- Make new friends
- Find a job
- Start volunteering
What we offer

- Support can be paid for by private funding or by Social Services Direct Payments (Personal Budgets)
- Four activity rooms and a kitchen at our offices on Newarke Street
- All of our staff are police checked and well trained
How we're different

- Loads of different activities to choose from
- You will have the same support worker each week so you will get to know your allocated staff.
- If your support worker is sick or on holiday, you will work with another VALUES staff member. We do not use agency staff.
- You get to be part of your community
- You can choose group sessions or one-to-one support
Visit us to learn more

If you want to join VALUES or find out more about us, it’s really easy. You can call us, or fill in a form and we’ll get back to you.
We can arrange a visit for you to look at our offices and activity rooms, or we can come to you.
To get started, call Ben on 0116 257 5044 or send us a message.
Send us a messageWhat our clients think

We asked some of our clients and their caregivers what they think about us and what our support means to them.
“Before I joined VALUES I had no friends but now I have a lot of more friends! The support is great! I enjoy the activities! If I didn’t have VALUES then I would be in my house!”
Find out what else our clients have said about us!
Read more