Oasis Pre-School is a not for profit, community preschool for children aged 2 – 5 in Asfordby, Melton, with a specialism around SEN and disabilities. Whilst the nursery has been able to remain open 3 days a week to support families of frontline workers and children classed as vulnerable
With the help of local volunteers, it has also taken on the role of running a food donations pickup and delivery service for local people, along with a clothes bank.
The nursery also sends ‘Home learning’ activities to families through the post, as keeping in-touch with families every week, through social media and on their Facebook page. www.facebook.com/oasisfamilycentre/
Asfordby is an area of deprivation and the pre-school works with many families from disadvantaged backgrounds. The pre-school’s role in the community is therefore more than just being a nursery, it provides a focal point for the entire community.
This case study has been provided by Leicestershire County Council
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