The YES Project was a partnership of ten local and national youth organisations and charities that supported young people aged 15-24 into Employment, Education and Training.
Working together as the YES Project meant they could offer a range of courses, and support services tailored to an individuals needs and aspirations.
The organisations and charities involved in delivering the YES Project were:
What they did
At the Youth Employability Support (YES) Project, the project supported young people aged 15-24 years old to take steps towards employment.
Their purpose was to support local young people to overcome challenges and barriers that have prevented them from finding a job or seeking further education.
Everyone enrolled on the YES Project was assigned a keyworker who supported them throughout their journey and helped them to achieve their goals.

Legacy Report

Futures Reimagined: A Blueprint for Success is the final evaluation report for the YES and GREAT Project detailing 6 years of learning and recommendations for future employability projects. The report presents results, achievements and key milestones alongside the delivery models and detailed case studies from each project. Download and read the full report.
Download the reportLegacy Report Highlights

The YES and GREAT Projects held a celebration event, Futures Reimagined, on 25th January 2023 to mark the end of 6 years delivering outstanding employability support. The event showcased the successes, key achievements, delivery partner contributions and participant stories on both projects.
Highlights VideoLegacy Event Participant Stories

As part of our Futures Reimagined Legacy Event, a group of YES and GREAT participants reflect on the support they received and how it’s impacted their lives.
Participant StoriesLegacy Event Delivery Partner

The YES and GREAT Project have worked with many fantastic delivery partners over the past 6 years. They share their thoughts on what it has meant for their organisation to be a part of the YES and GREAT Projects and specialist support they provided to participants.
Delivery Partner video