VAL Blogs

  • Learning Disabilities Week 2022

    This year for Learning Disabilities week VALUES teamed up with Leicester City Council and the NHS on a project that asks people with learning disabilities and/or who have Autism to share their lived experiences of Health & Social Care.

  • Small Charity week 2022: What’s in store and how small charities are reconnecting

    Helen Oparinde, Development Officer in VAL’s Voluntary Sector Support team, finds out about what is in store during small charity week and shares her insight.

  • Opportunity for people with learning disabilities and autism to share experiences of health and social care

    VALUES is proud to be partnering on this fantastic project to hear the voices of people with learning disabilities and autistic people on their health and social care experiences.

  • VALUES KickStart programme success

    During 2021-2022, VALUES took part in the KickStart scheme, a programme run by the government to help young people gain paid work experience and work-related training.

  • VALUES Seeks Feedback

    Over the course of 2021-2022 we have sought feedback from our clients, parents, caregivers and other professionals in a range of ways, including social media, emails and video-recorded messages.

  • VALUES Youth Sports Group

    This year we’ve been successful in securing a grant from Mencap and Sport England though their Tackling Inequalities Fund. With this money we were excited to start our new Saturday Sports group.

  • World Autism Awareness Week 2022

    Mikaela Paterson, Team Manager for the VALUES project, talks about her experience of working with clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder as part of World Autism Week 2022.

  • VALUES update – Settling in to the new normal

    Mikaela, manager of VAL's learning disabilities service VALUES talks about coming back to in person services and how we have had to adjust and learn.

  • Learning Disability Week 2021

    The theme of this year’s Learning Disabilities Week is Art and Creativity. Mikaela Paterson, Team Manager for the VALUES project, talks about some of the ways in which being creative can be beneficial to people with learning disabilities.