VAL response to the Chancellor’s £750m funding announcement for the voluntary sector

Local community groups are helping in this crisis, but they are also hurting with funding drying up and support disappearing just when these groups are most needed.

The Chancellor’s announcement yesterday is a step in the right direction but I am concerned that it will not be enough and vital community support will be lost now and in the near future.

After 10 years of public spending cuts many local groups have had to survive on fundraising and trading – the two sources of income completely choked off by the Coronavirus lockdown. We are in an immediate battle for our health, and local communities need their local groups and charities to support them through this crisis. Many are providing that immediate help with no thought about what may lie ahead. Schemes to allow organisations to lay off staff are no good to community groups who have seen demand for their support rocket.

These groups need immediate access to cash to keep going, here at VAL we fear for the survival of many local groups. The Chancellor has offered £750 million nationally; a big figure, but we are yet to see if it will be big enough.

Kevan Liles
Chief Executive – VAL

Can our charity assist with COVID-19?

You should first consider the terms of your charity’s existing charitable objects. These are set out in your governing document. Objects that might already allow you to offer support include:

  • the relief of poverty
  • the relief of need hardship or distress
  • the relief of the elderly
  • the advancement of education or advancement in life of young people
  • the advancement of health

Trustees of charities with other objects may also be able to adapt and respond to COVID-19 either directly or indirectly.

For example, a charity with an object to advance religion may be able to offer support as part of its pastoral work.

An arts charity might help relieve isolation through its online work.

Your charity may also have a general object that allows you to act for any charitable purposes, or an object that allows you to support the general benefit of a local area.

In considering what you can do under your existing objects you will need to check whether your objects have restrictions, for example, to benefit a particular local area or class of beneficiaries.

If your existing objects do not allow you to help, you may be able to amend your governing document to change them. But consider carefully:

  • whether there are other charities that may be better placed to respond than yours. You can find contact details for relevant local charities on the public register
  • the wider and longer-term impacts if you use your charity’s money for purposes other than those for which it was raised. Your existing beneficiaries – whose needs may be less pressing but no less deserving – may also lose out

If you want to change your charitable objects, you should check to see whether your trustees have the powers to amend them, for example using an express power in your governing document. If not, you may need permission from the charity commission. For example if your organisation is a company or a CIO, a change to the objects is a ‘regulated amendment’ which would require our consent.

Any changes proposed should be reasonable, consistent with what your charity does, and not undermine your existing objects. They will prioritise requests required urgently because of COVID-19.

Tell us what support your charity needs during COVID-19

What kind of help, support or guidance do you most need from VAL?

We want to hear from charities and community groups about the kinds of support they might need from VAL, so we can continue to support you:

  • What are the implications of Coronavirus for your organisation?
  • Do you have or need volunteers?
  • Is your service operating?
  • Can we signpost to you?

Volunteer bank

VAL is working with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council to build a bank of volunteers to support communities across Leicester and Leicestershire.

If you are already considering ways in which you might assist your community and you are looking for volunteers, you can register on our VAL Volunteering website and we will work to match volunteers with your organisation.

Supporting the voluntary sector during COVID-19

You can access this support online via the online form, email us at, or call the helpline on: 0116 257 5050.

During this period we would ask you to be patient when waiting for a reply. We will continue to issue regular updates on this website, via our newsletters and on social media.


All training has been postponed for the next four weeks, we will keep this under regular review and currently looking at other avenues to provide priority training to the sector.


Our drop in service for volunteering has been suspended until further notice.

We will continue to update our VAL Volunteering website for volunteering opportunities, including those that may be a response to the current Coronavirus outbreak.


All face to face services from the Work.Live.Leicestershire project have been suspended.

We will continue to support all participants including new referrals. If you would like to access our service you can do so by contacting and we will get back to you.

Economic Impact

Economic Impact training has been postponed, we will give further updates through the Economic Impact newsletter.

Otherwise, we will continue to deliver other this service. To access it please email

Go back to main Covid-19 Update page

Trustee’s Week 2019

As part of trustee week, VAL held a number of events/activities. One of these included VAL’s first trustee week network and learn event. 

At the event, trustees got to learn about the governance code.

Good governance in charities is fundamental to a charity’s success. It enables and supports a charity’s compliance with the law and relevant regulations. It also promotes a culture where everything works towards fulfilling the charity’s vision. The code is a practical tool to help charities and their trustees develop high standards of governance.

At the event, trustees got chance to network about how they are using the code or could apply it in their own organisation.

David Lindley Trustee of Leicestershire & Rutland Organisation For The Relief Of Suffering Limited known as LOROS and their governance lead tells us about their use of the code:

“The trustees [of LOROS ] remain committed to supporting staff and volunteers and to playing their part to ensure that LOROS continues to deliver the best possible service and support to its patients and their families/carers. To this end, a group of LOROS trustees are currently carrying out a self-assessment and scoring exercise using the Charity Governance Code principles and outcomes as well as recommended good practice. The results will form the basis for assessing current board performance and hopefully help identify those areas within the governance framework where there is a scope for further developing and strengthening the governance of this amazing local charity.”

If you would like to find out more how you can start to use the governance code within your charity, or if you are using the code and would like some additional advice please contact our helpline (If using our online form, please use the “support for your voluntary organization” drop down box.)

The governance code steering group have launched a consultation on the governance code.

The new consultation, which will run until 28 February 2020, will focus on several areas, including how to improve awareness and take-up of the code, diversity, safeguarding and how the code is being used.

Also at the trustee week network and learn event, we had a presentation by BHIB insurance brokers about how trustee indemnity insurance fits into the types of insurance cover relevant to charities. As well as launch of their new trustee indemnity insurance flyer. If you would like to review your insurance cover, please get in touch with them by phone on (0116) 2819 141 or by email


Stars of the local voluntary sector celebrated at inaugural Voluntary Awards for Leicester and Leicestershire

Winners for Woodhouse and Woodhouse Eaves Good Neighbour Scheme pose with their award

The awards took place at Leicester’s Morningside Arena and were sponsored by Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd, which manufactures and suppliers quality Generic and Branded medicines to the UK and International markets.

The ceremony was hosted by BBC Radio Leicester presenter Rupal Rajani and Voluntary Action LeicesterShire’s Kevin Allen-Khimani. Kevin is VAL’s Executive Manager for Public Sector Contracts and Projects, and he came up with the idea of the VALLs as a way to recognise the important role played by thousands of voluntary organisations across the city and county, and the vital services they provide within their communities.

Kevin commented:

“We were thrilled with the number of entries we had for the VALLs, especially as it’s only our first year, and the calibre of our finalists was outstanding. So much so, that we didn’t envy the judges having to choose just one winner in each category!”

“We wanted the awards to give the unsung heroes in our sector the recognition they deserve and have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with all our finalists and winners this evening.”

Award winners

VAL received 432 nominations for 11 award categories – the winners and finalists are all listed below:

City Charity of the Year (Sponsored by Action Coach)
  • The Bridge Homelessness to Hope (winner)
  • Hope Against Cancer
  • FreeVA
City Small Charity of the Year (Sponsored by Next)
  • Sound Café Leicester (winner)
  • Leicester City of Sanctuary
  • Team Troupers Dance Academy
County Charity of the Year (Sponsored by Freeths Solicitors)
  • Bodie Hodges Foundation (winner)
  • Norton Housing & Support
  • Menphys
County Small Charity of the Year (Sponsored by BHIB Insurance Brokers)
  • The Well (winner)
  • The Heera Foundation
  • Quorn Mills Park Bowling Club
Trustee of the Year
  • Linda Jones (winner)
  • Eileen Richardson
  • Christine Ringrose

Volunteer-Led Organisation of the Year (Sponsored by Zinthiya Trust)
  • Woodhouse & Woodhouse Eaves Good Neighbour Scheme (winner)
  • Baby Basics
  • Help the Homeless
Volunteer of the Year (Sponsored by Dluxe Magazine)
  • Emma Hallam (winner)
  • Adrian Key (special recommendation)
  • Capt. Matthew Taylor
  • Azar Richardson
  • Prue Padmore
Social Enterprise of the Year (Sponsored by East Midlands Chamber)
  • Dear Albert (winner)
  • Soulful Group
  • Iconic
Voluntary Sector Ally of the Year (Sponsored by Business 2 Business)
  • Caterpillar UK Limited (winner)
  • Barrie Stephen
  • Nicola Bassindale
Overall Charity of the Year
  • Woodhouse and Woodhouse Eaves Good Neighbourhood Scheme (winner)
Lifetime Achievement Award (Sponsored by Voluntary Action LeicesterShire)
    • Rick Moore (winner)

Find out more

You can read more about the VALLs in the Leicester Mercury, or by following us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

If you’re a charity who would like support with anything from recruiting volunteers to funding a new project, or if you are a local business who would like to know more about how you can support our voluntary sector, contact us via or on 0116 257 5050.

Trustee Clinic

Are you passionate about making a difference and want to support  Leicester City and LeicesterShire Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise ( VCSE) organisations  who are looking for new trustees to share their enthusiasm to help set their strategic direction and future vision.

Or are you a Voluntary and Community Sector organisation looking to engage new trustees to enhance the direction of your group VAL can help you to advertise and promote your roles to find the right people and support with your governance documents.

If you are interested come along and talk to our friendly staff at our Trustee Clinic at the VAL offices 9 Newarke Street Leicester LE1 5SN between 2 – 6pm to find out more about becoming involved as a Trustee or Promoting your Trustee Roles.

VAL and CASE collaborate to bring you social enterprise & investment support

VAL will also support the VCS to collaborate, develop new strategies, secure increased contracts and leverage social investment. The project activities include sending out regular news and information on social enterprise & investment, delivering investment readiness workshops, training and network development.

Why this project is important

It is important that VCS groups think about the direction they are going and where income will come from in the long term, and we advise groups to develop diverse income sources so that they are more resilient in the long term. Income from trading is one good source of funding because it is unrestricted and it can be used to not only develop the business side of the organisation but it can also be used to invest in social outcomes. This project is therefore important because it will provide the support and training that groups need to develop their funding plans so that can address local needs in the long term.

What has happened so far

The VAL sector support team has attended training in social enterprise and investment and is working with CASE to proactively identify and support local VCS organisations that want to develop and grow through trading and investment. VAL is also currently in discussion with Commissioners at the Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council about potential options and opportunities for collaboration and social investment.

CASE delivered a social enterprise and investment workshop in March – where groups learnt about investment readiness and social investment and received information, resources and tools for business planning.

CASE has also been working with VAL and other CVSs across the East Midlands to communicate information about social enterprise and social investment to the VCS including case studies, resources, good practice, and social enterprise news.

Future plans

If you are interested in accessing support to develop and grow through enterprise and investment then contact the VAL Sector Support Helpline – – 0116 257 5050 or CASE on T. 0116 222 5010, email

We recommend that groups come along to our next event called ‘Let’s Talk Good Finance’ to find out more about social investment and to meet a social investor. It is being held at VAL on 18th June 2019. Further details can be found here: We will also be running further workshops on social enterprise and investment, so watch this space.

To keep up to date, follow VAL and CASE on social media @CaseCooperative @valonline and regularly check your inboxes!

Quorn Mills Park Bowling Club

Following this, VAL helped draw up appropriate charitable objectives, adapting the model-governing document to incorporate the rules of Bowls England, helped with the committee’s decision making to agree to this change of structure, and supported the club to apply as a registered charity. This included reviewing policies and procedures relevant to the application questions.

Applications to the charity commission usually take at least 12 weeks to be approved, however due to VAL’s help and the work of the Club’s trustees, the application was approved by the charity commission within 7 days.

The club’s charitable objective is to provide opportunities for participation and healthy recreation for the inhabitants of their local area by providing facilities for playing bowls.

The club’s next step will be to contact their landlord with the news of their new status, which they hope will lead to an agreement of a long-term lease. As a previously unincorporated body, they were unable to sign such a lease in the club’s name.

The Quorn Mills Park Bowling Club chairman said:

“Our direction and potential development has really been enhanced by becoming a registered charity. VAL’s support along the way has been invaluable, as it will continue to be as we move into uncharted, but exciting, waters.”

They have some preliminary plans for expanding the club’s premises as they continue to grow; early season indications show a 25% increase in membership over the last 2 years. They are hoping their charitable status might help them to review potential sources of part funding.

Club Update

“I am pleased to say the lease arrangement has been working very satisfactorily. The fact that we are a charity and holders of a long lease has made a big difference to our position with regards to grants – we have managed to secure some very useful grants from Sport England and Charnwood Council which has really helped us get through Covid so far. We are in the process of organising Gift Aid on members subscriptions and are actively involving ourselves in “Easyfunding” (via Sport Leicester). Plans for clubhouse development have been a bit on hold due to Covid, but we are beginning to see the light again now and will be reviewing our plans over the next few months.”