Charity Commission trustees 5 minute guides update

The Charity Commission has launched a suite of animated videos, which bring the regulator’s 5-minute guides to life.

The campaign is designed to drive awareness and uptake of the regulator’s 5-minute guides, which together make up an introduction to the ‘core syllabus’ that they are keen all charity trustees should be familiar with.

In November 2020 VAL wrote a blog when the first 5 minute guides were introduced.

The 5 minute guides on offer at that stage were:

  • Managing Charity Finances
  • Charity Purposes and Rules
  • Managing conflicts of interest in a charity
  • What to send to the Charity Commission and how to get help
  • Making decisions at a charity

The blog titled Trustees Week 2020 – What’s new to read and action can be accessed here.

In November 2021 a further 5 minute guide was added called:

  • Safeguarding for charities and trustees

That guide can be accessed here.

Details about the campaign can be found here.



The new campaign will run for six weeks on digital channels including social media.

Here are some of the animated videos uploaded so far.

The animated video promoting the making decision guide can be found on you tube here

The animated video about managing finances guide can be found on you tube here

The animated video promoting the delivering purpose guide can be found on your tube here

The animated video promoting the managing conflict guide can be found on you tube here

If you are a trustee and would like help with your trustee board or committee of trustees understanding their responsibilities then get in touch via VAL’s helpline