Easing of lockdown – 29 March 2021 changes

On 29 March 2021 the Cabinet Office published some new guidance (COVID-19) Coronavirus restrictions: what you can and cannot do.

Within the guidance, it explains that some of the rules on what you can and cannot do changed on 29 March 2021. However, many restrictions remain in place.

You must not socialise indoors with anyone you do not live with or have formed a support bubble with.

You should continue to work from home if you can and minimise the number of journeys you make where possible.

You should get a test and follow the stay at home guidance if you have COVID-19 symptoms.

From 29 March 2021:

  • You can meet outdoors either in a group of 6 (from any number of households), or in a group of any size from up to 2 households (a household can include an existing support bubble, if eligible)
  • You can take part in formally organised outdoor sports with any number of people (outdoor sports venues and facilities will be able to reopen)
  • Childcare and supervised activities are allowed outdoors for all children
  • Formally organised parent and child groups can take place outdoors for up to 15 attendees. Children under 5 will not be counted in this number

The new published guidance can be accessed here.

In addition to this guidance, the Department of Health and Social Care published a press release on 29 March 2021 reminding the public that they must stay outside when meeting others as part of the next step of easing Covid.

The press release mentions that a film has been produced, narrated by GP Dr Hilary Jones MBE, highlighting the impact of fresh air on reducing the risk of transmission and forms part of wider government ‘Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air’ which reminds people to ‘take this next step safely’ as we gradually emerge from lockdown.

The press release can be accessed here.   

We recommend that all local VCSE organisations read the guidance to see how it may affect service delivery in the short term.