The deadline for applications is 8am on Monday 22 February 2021
To be eligible for the domestic abuse (DA) aspect of the funding, the organisation must provide tailored support to female and/or male victims who have experienced domestic abuse at any point in their life. This includes adults and children. The funding can be used to support existing clients as well as new referrals.
To be eligible for the sexual violence (SV) aspect of the funding, the organisation must provide tailored support to female and/or male victims who have experienced rape or sexual abuse at any point in their life. This includes adults and children. The funding can be used to support existing clients as well as new referrals.
For the domestic abuse and sexual violence funds organisations will need to complete the funding needs assessment application template and eligibility statement and return fully completed by email to
In addition, the OPCC, in conjunction with local services, is bidding for additional monies from the National Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) and Independent Domestic Abuse Advisors (IDVAs) Fund. An expression of interest form application template and eligibility statement is the application process for this funding. Again they will need to be returned fully completed by email to
The OPCC expect to see EOIs for services that:
- Offer tailored support for under-represented survivors and those with protected characteristics
- Propose innovative advocacy models as well as for established roles such as IDVAs and ISVAs, for both adults and children
- Adopt hybrid models supporting both DA and SV victims, as well as violence against women and girls (VAWG) advocates and advisers, provided they will be supporting victims of SV and/or DA.
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) will be hosting a MS team call on Thursday 18 February 2021 for organisations interested in applying, who wish to seek further information.
The application processes, further details of the funding and how to join the MS teams call can be found here.