Help Us, Help You. NHS 111 first campaign

NHS England and NHS Improvement has launched the next phase of the ‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign which focuses on the NHS 111 service as a new way to access A&E/Emergency Departments.

The aim of this campaign is to direct people to use NHS 111 first when they have an urgent but not life-threatening medical need, rather than going straight to A&E.

If the patient needs urgent care, NHS 111 can now book them in to be seen quickly and safely in A&E.

Contacting NHS 111 first will help NHS services maintain social distancing and ensure that patients receive the right care, in a timely and safe way.

The activity also seeks to increase awareness that NHS 111 makes it easier and safer for patients to get the treatment they need in the right place.

As well as booking time slots for A&E/Emergency Departments, NHS 111 can also direct patients to Urgent Treatment Centres, GP surgeries, pharmacies, emergency dental services and walk- in clinics.

NHS 111’s phone service can also send an ambulance should a patient’s condition be serious or life-threatening.

For more information about how to use the NHS 111 service including information in British Sign Language  easy read, large print and audio visit:

Local VCSE organisations supporting communities with health and well-being may want to share this information with their beneficiaries