Tell us what support your charity needs during COVID-19

If your organisation is facing challenges as a direct result of Coronavirus you can contact us and we will prioritise support for your organisation.

What kind of help, support or guidance do you most need from VAL?

We want to hear from charities and community groups about the kinds of support they might need from VAL, so we can continue to support you:

  • What are the implications of Coronavirus for your organisation?
  • Do you have or need volunteers?
  • Is your service operating?
  • Can we signpost to you?

Volunteer bank

VAL is working with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council to build a bank of volunteers to support communities across Leicester and Leicestershire.

If you are already considering ways in which you might assist your community and you are looking for volunteers, you can register on our VAL Volunteering website and we will work to match volunteers with your organisation.

Get in touch

You can contact the VAL Voluntary Sector Support team via:

You can also call us on 0116 257 5050. However, as we are currently working from home, there may be a delay in responding to messages left through this number.