The VAL Awards 2023
We were proud to be sponsored by Market Harborough Building Society and extend our heartfelt thanks for their support as the Headline Sponsor of The VAL Awards 2023.
Celebrating the fantastic contribution volunteers, charities and community groups make in Leicester and Leicestershire. It’s time for us to celebrate the truly amazing inspirational leaders, unsung heroes and those that have gone above and beyond
We were honoured to have the support of Market Harborough Building Society as our Headline Sponsor for The VAL Awards 2023 and sincerely thank them for their generous sponsorship.
With the support of our sponsors, especially our headline sponsor, this event was a night to remember. We celebrated the incredible individuals and groups that make a profound impact in our local communities, honouring their dedication and contributions.
View the winner’s from The VAL Awards 2023 here:
The VAL Awards 2023
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Winner: Charity & Business Partnership of the Year sponsored by FU Media - Pedestrian

Winner: Trustee of the Year sponsored by Paragon Sales Solutions - Eileen Richards

Winner: Lifetime Achievement Award - Kevan Liles MBE

The VAL Awards staff team

Winner: Charity of the Year award sponsored by MHBS - Helping Hands Community Trust

Winners: Charity & Business Partnership of the Year - Pedestrian, Kathryn Burgess Volunteer of the Year - Jas Kainth & Inspiring Leader of the Year - Jaimini Bharakhada

Winners: Volunteer-Led Organisation of the Year - Feed the Need Coalville, Fundraiser of the Year - Chris Shaw & Trustee of the Year - Eileen Richards

Winners: City Charity of the Year - Big Difference Company, County Charity Of the Year - Helping Hands Community Trust & Social Enterprise of the Year - Team Hub CIC

Kevin Allen-Khimani & Rupal Rajani