Mental Health Awareness Week – Mind developing services locally
This year’s theme, is ‘Loneliness’.
The Mental Health Foundation, who organise the week, describe why they chose the theme. “ Loneliness is affecting more and more of us in the UK and has had a huge impact on our physical and mental health during the pandemic. Our connection to other people and our community is fundamental to protecting our mental health and we need to find better ways of tackling the epidemic of loneliness. We can all play a part in this. Reducing loneliness is a major step towards a mentally healthy society.”
For more details about the week and how you can get involved click here.
More locally, Mind, a national charity with a network of around 125 local Minds across England and Wales, has made a commitment to work tirelessly until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets the support and respect they deserve. To help honour this commitment they have ambitions to develop support and services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR).
They aim to develop identity, to influence, and to have impact in the local area and they will do this by putting people at the heart of what they do.
Their services and support packages are evidence-based and co-designed with people who have lived experience of mental health problems.
If you would like further information about how they are establishing a Local Mind for LLR or would like to support the organisation in any way, contact Rachel Nott, Mind Nottinghamshire’s Engagement and Development Lead at